4/17-18 Leaving San Jose and Arriving in Glasgow, Scotland

View from outside the Hilton Garden Inn, Glasgow
On Monday, 4/17/17, Johnnie picked us up in his new car, at Randi and David's house in San Jose where they generously allowed us to park our car for the duration of the trip.  Johnnie dropped us off at the British Airways door at San Jose International Airport.  We departed San Jose at 8:10PM and arrived at London Heathrow the next day at 2:25PM, departing for Glasgow at 4:40PM, arriving at 5:50PM on Tuesday.

The plane was a 787 and we found it to be very comfortable.  We were also fortunate to have an empty seat in our row so we could spread out.  The food and service were excellent and although long, it was much better than we had expected.

Upon arrival we went to Enterprise to pick up the car which was an automatic Vauxhall and Bill drove it perfectly for our whole trip.  Our hotel was the Hilton Garden Inn in Glasgow so we headed there, checked in, had dinner and went for a walk.  Bill needed distilled water for his CPAP and non of the stores in the area carried it so he made do with tap water.

The hotel seemed nice, the food at the restaurant was excellent and we were exhausted so had an early night.

Silverware in its own sleeve
Mushy peas and fish on gluten free bread

Night around the hotel--looking in vain for a store with distilled water for the CPAP


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