April 20: Ullapool and Stornaway, Isle of Lewis

We checked out of our hotel and headed to Ullapool where the Caledonia-MacBrayne Ferry Terminal was.  It was a beautiful drive that took about 1 1/4 hours.  We boarded the ferry and relaxed in our recliners with a beautiful view during our  2 1/2 hour trip.   The ferry even had a section for dogs and their owners.
When we arrived in Stornaway I called Anne at the Ness Historical Society, the contact that our cousins had given us.  She agreed to meet with us the next day at 10AM and gave me contact info for Anna, who was with the Tolsta Historical Society on the other side of the island.  She also told me that Anna was working at the museum at Lews Castle that day where, coincidentally we were headed.  " Lews Castle was built by James Matheson who purchased Lewis in 1844." The displays were bilingual (Gaelic & English) and provided information on life in the Outer Hebrides.
I asked where Anna was docenting and found her.  We had a great conversation and she asked for the geneaology that I had so went to the car to get it for her.  She promised to get in touch with Donald Murray who was the best historian in the area, to arrange a meeting for us the next day too.  As we were leaving I mentioned the family that we had met 17 years ago but had lost touch with and she knew them.  She promised to give Donald Mac Donald a call too.
We went and checked in to the Hebridean Guest House where we had stayed 17 years ago.  It was as nice as we remembered.  We asked Linda for a recommendation for a restaurant where we could have dinner that was within walking distance and had a lovely dinner at HS1.  While there, I received a desk from Donald Mac Donald asking if we would like to come over to his sister's home--as we had done 17 years ago!  He came and picked us up and we had a delightful evening catching up.  He also printed out a map for us showing a red arrow at the location of Croft #26 out in Tolsta.  (It was in Gaelic but there are no road names, just croft numbers!)

Ferry in distance

On our way onboard


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